Monday, June 8, 2009

First Post - Welcome to SCME

So, you may be wondering…  “Why yet another SCM related blog (yasrb)?”   I submit to you that though there are many good blogs with decent information, there are some things that I know that I needed to research and put together all by myself - because no one published about it.


To all the CVS/Perforce/Subversion-ites out there…  I am not looking to create yet another forum for bashing ClearCase.  I happen to like the tool despite some of its shortcomings.  There are things I can do in ClearCase I couldn’t dream of doing in any other tool…


Now that we’ve cleared that up…


I am not an ancient oracle, nor am I a babe in the woods.  I have worked mainly with ClearCase, and have some experience with Perforce.  I started in Configuration Management in 2001, and have never looked back to doing straight development; or anything else for that matter.


Here is a summary of my current environment.  This may change if I change companies, but at good portion of entries after this one should be relating more or less to my experiences in this place.


·         We have about 700 ClearCase/ClearQuest users.

·         Running ClearCase 7.0.1 in Solaris with an NFS Maestro inter-op for Windows

·         95% of development is JAVA related.

·         80% of users use Eclipse

·         Most apps use WebLogic

·         Most apps are deployed with BladeLogic

·         There are 5 distinct groups of development with their own rules and needs which we are trying to bring together to one process


Feel free to leave a comment on this post to provide a topic that you would like to see discussed here in a future post.

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